We calculate the fees we charge to you on a time basis by applying an hourly rate. Accordingly, the actual fee will depend on the length and complexity of the work required. Individual hourly rates vary according to the degree of responsibility involved and the experience and skill of the employee assigned to the engagement.
Goods & Services Tax - where applicable, all professional fees and expenses will require an additional payment of 10% GST.
Payment Terms
All invoices are payable within 14 days of the date of issue, unless other arrangements have been agreed upon in writing. Individual Income Tax Returns must be paid in full before lodgement to the Australian Taxation Office occurs.
If you do not pay our invoice in full, we may:
Without prejudice to the above, we may take further action to recover any outstanding amounts due to us. Any costs, fees or disbursements that we incur in the recovery of the outstanding amounts will be added to the amount due from you.