As 2020 begins, we hope all our clients have had a safe and happy New Year.
Sadly, we know that many people and communities are, and have been, impacted by the bushfires currently affecting much of Australia. While the crisis has affected us all in some way, our hearts go out to those whose lives and homes have been devastated beyond repair. It is at time like these, we reflect the most important things in our lives are not "things" but family and friends. From everyone here at the Davies Thompson & Wright team every good wish to you all, and a huge thank you to our firies, our everyday heroes. If you have been impacted in any way, and there is something we can do to assist, please let us know. We will endeavour to provide a priority service for those affected by bushfires.
The ATO has also offered support, stating "If you've been impacted by these bushfires, we don't want you to be concerned about your tax affairs. Now is the time for you, your family and community. We'll help you sort out your tax affairs later."
Automatic ATO Lodgement Deferral: A utomatic deferrals have been put in place for both lodgements and payments if your postcode is listed as an affected area.
Do not be concerned if your postcode does not appear, the tax office will still recognise that you have been impacted. Let us know and we can assist by contacting them on your behalf. If you are in an area impacted, the automatic deferrals are as follows:
Tax and BAS Agents
Mental & Emotional Wellbeing: We all know these types of disasters have ongoing ripple effects into the lives of those both directly and indirectly affected, and their loved ones. While the adrenaline is running high this may not be as obvious, so we all need to watch out in the many months of recovery we have in front of us. Please take care of yourselves and those around you. If you are struggling, or know someone who is, there is help available and it is important to seek it: